Saturday night was our ward party and I feel it was a roaring success. We served a full Turkey dinner with all of the trimmings (baked potatoes not mashed cuz I didn't know how to ieep them warm). Here's Bob Askerlund helping Donn cut the meat. Bob and his wife (who aren't even on the committee) came early and offered their services.
They made some wonderful tasting gravy!
Here's Crystal and her mom, Margaret posing for a pic. Taylor Lee is squeezing in the background. Margaret really was my right hand man. I took everything over to her house on Thursday and dropped a heavy load in her lap. She did EVERYTHING that I just could not get to. A BIG thank you to Margaret!
We served about 180 people with food left over. I can't tell you how relieved I was when every table had everything they needed and there was extra. Last year we came very close to running out of ham. We set the tables 2 together with 12 chairs around them so we could eat family style. The young men and women took the food to the tables in large bowls where everyone ate family style. I heard a lot of positive feedback on that. No waiting in a long buffet line. Although the desserts were lined up on the stage and there was a line for that.
Andrew and Dallin working in the tin shop on their Christmas ornaments. A hammer and nail sounds a little scary in the hands of primary kids but I didn't here of any casualties and I know they had a great time! Thanks to the YM for helps with that!
The YW were in charge of the bakery. Earlier in the week they had an activity where they made gingerbread cookies. On Saturday the kids got to decorate them.
Here's part of that adorable Bartley family.
Oh my dear Janell--I forgot---you are the Activities Chairman and you had all these Christmas activities to take care of amid all your HOSPITALING!! My, My!! How noble of you to carry on with those responsibilities! And how HARD~!! Love, Karen