Thursday, July 7, 2016

Father's Day and John's Birthday


This was Rick on Father's Day......  :-)  His Sunday nap!  He woke up and wanted to make cookies for a couple of the priests that are in his temple prep class and ready to leave on their missions.  I was like ON FATHER'S DAY??!?  But it was his day to do what he wanted so he made cookies and we delivered them.  We weren't officially celebrating his special day until we could get the whole family together on Monday.

I LOVE THIS GUY!!  He is and always will be "The man of my dreams!"

A shout out to my dad!  The hardest working man you'll ever meet.  He has been so good to me my whole life.  He has been an excellent provider and even knows how to drive a ski boat.  Lots of fun memories on the lake growing up!  He is a wonderful example of how a man should take care of his wife and children.  Thanks, Dad!

When we got together with the kids on Monday night for a bbq we also were celebrating John's birthday.  It had been quite a while since we had all been together.  Alyssia lives in Ogden and doesn't get home too often.  it was good to be with everyone.

 Birthday boy is 29!!


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