Just thought I would post some pictures of Skylar. These are random and not in any particular order. Paraguay is just getting over their summer and it has been really hot and humid.
He looks a little heated.
Skylar LOVES the little kids. This was taken about 4 months ago when he was still in a suburb of Asuncion. His companion there was Elder Villegas from Chile. They got along great!
A couple of months ago he got transferred to the other side of the country on the borders of Brazil and Argentina. It's a place called Presidente Franco. It is very tropical there. This is a pic of his district. Skylar had the only hispanic companion in the district. Elder Yanez from Mexico. Skylar really liked him. They had a great time working together. He said that Elder Y. was very funny. They had a lot of good times together. (His comp that he has now is from Argentina and his name is Elder Beremendi) This looks like a great group of men. They like to get together on P-day and play monopoly.
Skylar LOVES to cheat....and apparently does well at it.
This is a pic of some nice falls in his area. An investigater took a group in his district to see them.
Here he is looking off his balcony. In the distance you can see Ciudad Del Este. The big city that he's close to. He loves to go into the city. There are some fun shops there.
Skylar LOVES to cheat....and apparently does well at it.