Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Helping with Grandma and Grandpa Hafen

Rick and I traveled to Vegas twice in the last couple of weeks to help care for my mom and dad.
My dad had surgery to replace the post in his femur (from his knee replacement)because it was making its way out of the bone.  The first time we went we stayed for a week.  Rick stayed int he Rehab with y dad and I stayed at home with my mom.  Both my mom and my dad's mental capacities are waning.  Dad could not keep track of where he was or what was wrong with him.  There were times that his mind was more keen than others.  I have to thank Rick so much for his loving care for my dad.  We both wanted to give Scott and Kathy and others a break from there full time service for our parents.  Rick stayed right there by my dad helping with whatever was needed...and sometimes that meant for some REALLY long nights.

I took my mom out to the rehab to visit each day...sometimes twice a day.  It's hard because after the visit neither one could remember that they were there.  Both my mom and dad were really emotional during the visits.  They really missed each other!


  My dad had come home from the hospital the night before we left (on Saturday).  He came home with a picc line to helps give his meds twice a day.  By Tuesday he was not doing well.  He was swelling all over and his cognitive skills were continuing to decline.  Scott took him back to the hospital and the dr.'s thought that he had pneumonia and a UTI.  We drove back on Friday to spend another five days.  Rick spent each day in the hospital while I again spent the time caring for my mom.  

Saturday morning I was able to attend Kathy Nelson's funeral. (Boyd's mom)  It was a beautiful service.  Her children gave her a beautiful tribute!  Jeanette gave the eulogy, her oldest grandchild shared memories, three of her grandchildren played a musical number (flute, piano, and flugelhorn) her daughter, Debbie, sang a solo and Boyd gave some thoughts.  Kathy was a valiant and faithful servant of God!  A beautiful and tender moment was when Benny walked behind the casket.  After breaking his femur and suffering some real health challenges in the last few months it was a tender sight to see and a wonderful tribute to his wife.  When getting to the front of the chapel he tenderly placed his hand on her casket.  Oh, how I love these people from my youth!  They were always so good to me.

Back to my parents.  My dad was struggling cognitively again and just wanted to be home.  I took my mom up to the hospital each day to see him.  He was able to come home on Tuesday.  After getting home around 2 in the afternoon, Scott wanted to give him a shower.  Rick assisted in that and then my dad slept for 2 1/2 hours quite peacefully in his chair.  Rick was not feeling well so he went to lay down for an hour or so.  In that time, Paul and Vickie had come over for a visit.  Paul was rubbing his feet and then noticed that blood was coming from his bandage.  Scott and Kathy arrived as well as Boyd and Mare.  At 7 the home health nurse, Muhammad, was coming to help administer the meds.  When he got to the house there was a steady stream of blood coming out of my dad's bandage.  He checked it and could see that something was wrong with the knee apparatus and suggested getting him back to the hospital.  My dad was crying because he had just gotten home!  We called for an ambulance and it was such an emotional time.  Both my mom and dad were crying, as well as myself and Mare and Kathy.  Boyd and Paul were able to give him a quick blessing and off he went.  By the time he got to the hospital his knee had ripped open.  Pretty gruesome!

They scheduled surgery for the net morning.  Rick and I were in a quandary as to what to do but felt like it was ok to head back home.  Plus, I had my own knee surgery scheduled for the next day. We could turn around at anytime, if needed.   His surgery was supposed to be an hour but it took three.  My dad did well throughout the procedure and was able to come home the very next day.  He is in a splint and cannot bend it for two weeks.  It has been a roller coaster of emotions and health care for the past couple of weeks.

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