Saturday, December 3, 2022


 This year's Thanksgiving was small in numbers but we had really nice day!  AND I forgot to take pictures!😒

The day before the holiday Kendra came over to get some pre-baking done.  She made three pies and I made two pies and a jello salad.  We had a wonderful time together while the kids played.  It sure helped with the fact that it was an off year for Thanksgiving and the married kids were going to be with their in-laws for the holiday.  Kendra made a cream cheese pie, a pumpkin pie, and a German chocolate pie.  I made a cream cheese pie, a pumpkin pie, and raspberry jello.  I loved spending  the day with her.  Sarah was planning to join us but Daisy got sick that morning.  We missed having her there.

Thanksgiving day was great!  We got up early and started getting food ready for cooking.  Rick got the turkey in, and prepared the yams.  He was also in charge of the potatoes and gravy.  I prepared the pomegranate salad and rolls and whipping cream for the jello and pies.  We started our dinner at two o'clock and had a wonderful meal!  We had six at at this year's table; Gary, Kaitlyn, Haivyn, Merik, Rick and myself.  We enjoyed the food and conversation:)  

Before we sat down to dinner I had the kids write up what they were thankful for to put on this year's Thankful Tree.  I had been collecting everyone's cards for the week previous to Thanksgiving.  

Here is what each of the family members said:

Brady drew a picture of a horse, grass, tree, flower, and sun.

Chloe drew a picture of a puppy.

Merik drew a picture of his mom.

Kendra said she was thankful for prayer.

Kaitlyn said she was thankful for her children, her family for being there for her, and for living in a free country.

Haivyn said, "I'm thankful for my family."

Charles said, "I am thankful for my family."

Henry said, " I am thankful for Jesus."  He drew a picture of Jesus surrounded by angels.

Gary said, "I am thankful for the Constitution."

Rick said, "I am thankful for my best friend Janell."  He then listed each member of his family and he is thankful for them.

Scout said, "I am thankful for my family."

Rafe said, "I am thankful for my home, food, friends, family, and Heavenly Father and Jesus.

Daisy said she was thankful for pumpkins, decorations, presents, and Allegra her best friend.

Janell said, "This year I am particularly thankful for the Savior's resurrection as our family has lost two member this year, Darrell and Robin.  Death is not the end.  We can and will live again.


Back to Thanksgiving day..... 

After cleaning up dinner, Rick took a nap while I played a couple of games with Haivyn. (Guess Who and Trouble) Gary and Kaitlyn were doing stuff together.  Later in the evening Gary, Kaitlyn and I played a couple of rounds of Clue and then Skylar and Sarah and family came over for a visit.  They enjoyed some pie and we enjoyed the visiting with them.  Of course, Haivyn loved playing with Henry and Charles, Daisy and Eric.  Skylar and Sarah stayed about an hour and then took the kids home to get ready for bed.  After they left Gary and I played Settlers of Cataan and he beat me soundly!  It was a wonderful Thanksgiving!  

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