Monday, October 12, 2020


This year's grandkids Halloween Party was a huge success!  And for some reason it seemed a little easier than in years past.  Maybe that's because they are all another year older.  Last year I did not think that we could do another sleepover but alas, it happened and it turned out well!

The kids arrived at 5:30 and we started out with a scavenger hunt.  I wanted to have it outside this year so I decided to make my own game since all I could find on the internet were indoor ones.  I had the clues hidden all over the yard....mailbox, fire pit, front porch, garden etc...   The kids were running to and fro to find the next clue:)

The game was a hit and the kids had fun trying to read and find the clues.
The "prize" was finally found in Rick's smoker on the patio 
and it included a prize box with little toys and candy.

It's cute to see how they like those little prizes so much.

The vampire teeth were a favorite!
Charles must have put them in about twenty times that night!






After the scavenger hunt we had a "spooky" dinner.
Kendra had come over earlier in the day to help make some food.

These cutout tortilla chips turned out so cute and Kendra's salsa is always the best!

Leg Bone Breadsticks....


Jack o' Lantern Quesadillas

After dinner we played some more games.

Monster Toss was first.

Charles was the clear winner with SEVEN POINTS.
Rafe didn't want to come in second so he wanted to play again.
Grandpa, Rafe and Charles played one more round
 and as I recall Charles won again but Rafe called it a tie:)

Next was Pin the Face on the Pumpkin
We had some good laughs as the kids were blindfolded and then tried to create their jack o lantern face.

.... and then the Spider Toss
Haivyn was the winner on this one:)

Next we took some time to make some treats.
Monster donuts and Frankenstein rice crispy treats.
They turned out so cute!

Next we went into the dining room and colored some fun masks.
The kids loved this and they all turned out so cute!

While I cleaned up the kitchen Grandpa and the littles (and their masks)
went outside for a fireside spooky story.  Some of the kids got a little scared:)

In the middle of this event the harvest moon showed up so we all had to run out past the trees where we could get a good view and HOWLED at the moon!  It was big and gorgeous!

Next was baths and new jammy time.  They were all so cute!

Grandpa was in charge of this year's movie so he chose some vintage Scooby Doo episodes (thank you Amazon Prime).  The kids liked them.  Surprise!  You never know if they'll like the old stuff.
After the movie bedtime went pretty smooth.  We had prayers with the kids and they got tucked in their pallets on the floor and off to dreamland they went.  

I have to say that this year's party while full of events was the easiest of the years so far.  It helps that the kids are getting a little older.  That's not to say there weren't any tears or scrapes but it was easier.

The next morning the kids woke up to Count Chocula and Boo Berry Cereal!  They also made a monster craft before it was time to go.  Grandpa took the kiddos home and that was the end of this year's Halloween Party.  A huge success!  Until next year....


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