Friday, September 13, 2024


While the boys were on their fishing trip Kendra, Sarah, and I took the kids down to St. George for a couple of nights.  We left on Sunday after church and got into town around 5:30.  We got our rooms and dropped off our luggage at La Quinta and then headed over to Vernon Worthen Park in the downtown area of St. George.  We had brought a picnic lunch from home (pulled pork sliders, fruit, veggies, salad, and chips)  The dinner was filling and yummy and the kids were able to play for about an hour and a half and get out all of their travel wiggles.  We even pulled out a couple of card games to play around the table.
The kids were having so much fun at the park and were all playing so well together that we hated to leave but I really wanted to let the kids see both temples before it got too late.


It was just starting to get dusk when we got to the St. George Temple.  
The kids had gotten so hot playing at the park (in 90 degree weather) that the temple fountain brought them some much needed water fun.  They enjoyed putting their hands in the water...and dare I say some took off shoes and dangled their feet...I'm looking at you Scout!
I was feeling nervous of the kids being to rowdy around the temple grounds but we didn't stay too long and hopefully weren't too disruptive for anyone there.

We got a couple of pictures in front of the temple.

Then we drove over to the Red Cliffs Temple.
It was dark by then but we were able to get a couple of pictures.  Unfortunately, the gates were closed so we had to suffice with a picture outside of the temple grounds.
I'm glad we got to see them both!

That night some of the kids came into my room and played a couple of card games.
I thought some would want to sleep with me but they each decided to sleep with their moms.
Actually, that was ok by me.😉

The next morning after getting the hotel breakfast we headed out to the pool for some water time.
The hot tub was not working and was barely warm and so the kids got chilly even though it was plenty warm outside.  It still was fun for all!

After the pool we got ready and drove over to Pear Paw Cafe, a family favorite.
We were ready to eat!

Brady and Scout got crepes with nutella and bananas.
Henry got a grilled cheese and fries.

Charles, Daisy and Chloe got mini corndogs with fries.

Kendra got a philly sandwich with sweet potato fries.
Sarah got a club sandwich and a salad.
And I got my delicious granola muesli.
We all loved our food!

After lunch we went to TJ Maxx and did a little shopping.
Sarah took her boys over to the game store and they got some pokemon cards.

After shopping we went over to Fiesta Fun for some arcade time.
The kids all had fun playing the games for about an hour.

Charles was making faces in the funny mirrors.
He was so cute!

After the arcade we went back to the pool for some more swimming.
The kids can't seem to get enough of the water AND it was definitely hot enough!
This time the hot tub was working so that made it even more fun!

That night we got to have dinner at Chuck a Rama.  The kids loved all the variety of food!

We all went to bed tired that night after such a full day.  The next morning we had breakfast and then went for one last hurrah out at the pool.  We packed up and left the hotel by noon, picked up some chik fil a and made the long trek home.  It was a whirlwind of a trip but a good way to spend a few days with our hubby's out of town!  Memories made!

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