Monday, December 20, 2021


Rick and I had our annual Christmas date recently.  Rick reserved us a suite at the Marriott Hotel downtown.  It was the same one we stayed in last year, overlooking the Gallivan Center ice rink.  It was a nice view from the 11th floor.

After getting checked in we drove over to the Little America Hotel for dinner.  We ate in the Lucky H restaurant that was just remodeled.  It had a very nice buffet and the atmosphere was really beautiful.  While the food looked really beautiful and appetizing, it was a little bland.  Still we enjoyed our dinner in the beautiful setting.

The Little America Hotel is always so decked out for the holidays.

We walked across the street to the Grand America to see the gingerbread houses.  I say houses because that's what I thought we would actuality we saw ONE gingerbread house, but it was a gigantic one.  It was well worth the walk across the street!  Plus The Grand is just such a beautiful hotel to walk through.
As we were leaving we heard some beautiful music coming from the lounge.  There were a few soloists from the Utah Opera performing.  Oh my!  It sounded so lovely.  

The courtyard was all lit up for the holidays, as well.

         While it was super cold  and snowy outside, it didn't detract from the ice skating.

We walked over to the Macy Store candy windows.  This year's did not disappoint. 

Next, we walked to the Eccles Theatre for our annual Kurt Bestor Concert.
We both just loved it!
There is just something about listening to live music.  It was so inspiring and fun!  
We both hated it for it to end.  We could have stayed another hour.
The musicians are all so talented!

The next morning we had a scheduled endowment session at the Bountiful Temple.
While it had been snowing since the day before, the accumulation was minimal and the roads were clear.
Driving up on the Bountiful Bench, though, the flakes got bigger and there was a lot of snow on the streets.  As we were driving up the hill to the temple, out little car could not make the hill.  Rick slowly backed down the hill and let a few other cars pass by.  We took another run at it, and with the other cars paving the way, we made it to the top.

It was a beautiful endowment session.
When we were walking out of the temple we could see that the sun was shining and there was some blue sky.  I just had to get a picture of this beautiful snow covered tree.

Luckily, the plows had come through and with the sun shining, the roads were clear.
My gallant husband stopped to help an older couple who were trying to shovel their walks.  There was at least eight inches of snow!

 After our temple excursion we had a bite to eat at Firehouse subs and then enjoyed doing a little holiday shopping.  We had dinner at the Red Lotus Restaurant.  A funny experience happened as we were leaving. Rick thought he recognized a man as he and his wife were walking into the restaurant.  He walked up to the man and introduced himself and said "I know you from somewhere."  The man stretched out his hand and said, "I'm Russ Nelson" (Pres. Nelson's son).  It caught us both off guard, and we laughed and made some comment about seeing him on TV.  I think Rick was a little embarrassed but it was a fun little interaction.

We stayed another night at the Marriott.  Later that night we watched "It's a Wonderful Life" and gave each other back rubs:)  It was a good night!  We got home that afternoon ready to take care of Brach and Kendra's kids for the night while they had a date.  

We love this Christmas Date tradition!  Can't wait until next year's!!

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