Sunday, November 7, 2021

Halloween Party 2021

On Friday October 22nd we had our 32nd annual Phelps Family Halloween Party.  I have been really excited for this party since we had to cancel last year's get together because of Covid 19.

The party started out great with everyone (except brad and Ruth) showing up in some great costumes!

We got started with a costume parade for our judges to choose the best costume for this year.
Our judges were Sophie and Britta.  They were excited to choose and had a hard time coming up with just ONE winner.  After talking it over with them WE decided that The Bakers would be this year's  winner.  The flour on their faces was the deciding factor!😀

Here is everyone in their costumes.

Rick and I were Wesley and Princess Buttercup

                                     Larry and Darla were a Sheik and Princess Jasmine.

                      Karen and Dennis came as construction workers, hard hats and all!

Darrell and DeeAnn came as a patient and his nurse.
(Which isn't too far from the truth:)

                                                The Bakers came as the Bakers:)

Brad and Ruth came as themselves;)

Hal and Janis came late and had such cute costumes.
He came as Bob Ross, the painter, and Janis came as his subject, a tree.
They looked really cute but unfortunately I did not get their pictures.

Just after the parade and picture taking we were getting organized to take a costumed group picture.  Karen walked into the room on the phone with a really worried look on her face and nearly in tears.  She informed us that Lance had gone off in a plane with a friend earlier in the day and they had not returned and they were late by a few hours.  Jennifer, Lance's wife, had gotten word that a beacon had gone off in the plane indicating that it had a hard landing or was in some sort of crash.  Everyone was immediately concerned and we all knelt right down for a prayer in his behalf and in behalf of the family.

Well, as you can imagine we all started calling family members to let them know and to ask for their prayers, as well.  Dennis and Karen decided to drive right back home to be with Lance's kids, Ryan and Anna.  (Jennifer was in Boise for a soccer tournament with their second son, Tristan)  We packed up some food for them and they were on their way.  

After a little while we decided to have a prayer and eat some food.  No one felt like partying but the food was ready and we were all hungry so we all got some food and somberly ate.  During this time we got word from Karen that Lance and his friend were safe.  They had gotten into a storm and found a remote airstrip to land on.  They were miles from civilization and didn't have any way to communicate with anyone.  They ended up walking six miles until they found a hunter who picked them up and drove them another twenty miles to the nearest town.

Those of us at our house gathered together and had a prayer of thanks to Heavenly Father for such a quick answer to our prayers for Lance.

After we heard the news the mood lightened right up and we were able to laugh and have a good time!

Here's a picture of all of us AFTER the costumes came off:)


Before the party started Kendra had come over to help me put together a couple of charcuterie boards.  I'm so glad she did!  Her creativity made them look so cute!

I love these parties!  
What a fun tradition to meet each Halloween time for some costumes, food and visiting!

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