Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Hafen Reunion 2018

Rick and I were in charge of this years Hafen Reunion.  We had a great turnout with about 70 people attending.  Our first day was at Lagoon Amusement Park.  This turned out to be a fun day!  We mostly stayed within immediate families but we were able to visit in lines and at eating establishments in between the rides.  Pete and Terri and all of their kids minus Garrett and Trisha were there.  Paul and Vickie and all but Lance and Ashlee were there.  From Kelly and Deanna's family,  Andrew and MaryAnn were there with their family. 

Later that evening we had a mingle at our campsite at Cherry Hill.   We were joined by the rest of the group.  Dad and mom with Scott and Kathy's family.  Tori, Jake and his girls, (Taylor and Mandy and their kids came early the next morning.  Kelly and Deanna showed up with Brandon and Keia.  Mare and Scarlett joined us as well.  We had a nice night visiting and eating cake!

In preparation for this reunion I did a lot of cooking!  I'm not sure why it took so much effort because it was just food for one day!  It took me three days to have everything ready to go!

Saturday Morning was the official day for our reunion.  We enjoyed a nice dutch oven breakfast prepared by Kelly and Rick.  After that we all headed over to the water park to stake our spot for the day.  We got a really nice shady place close to the lazy river.  As far as I could tell everyone had a great time visiting and playing in the water.  For lunch we hauled a couple of tables over and set up a taco buffet.  I had made cafe rio knock off sweet pork as well as some pulled chicken.  The tacos had all of the fixing plus we had nachos with cheese sauce that turned out to be a hit!  We had cookies for dessert.

That evening after a dinner of Hawaiian chicken and potluck salads and desserts we had a "Turning Our Hearts" game.  I had printed up a lot of relatives pictures and had a trivia question for each relative to be figured out who did what.  Terri was the winner of a $10 gift certificate to Baskin Robbins.  Skylar and Sarah won the scavenger hunt game that started as family members left there homes.  Not many participated in this game (about five or six as far as I can tell) but Skylar and Sarah were the winners with a prize of two movie tickets plus concessions.  

Next we had our family talent show.  Each family had a little something to share: 

Scarlett started us out with some jokes and then some gymnastics.

Next was our family.  Henry tried to do his part of singing Phantom of the Opera but got stage fright and didn't get it done:(  Skylar and Sarah sang a duet (Realize) with guitar accompaniment.  I then gave a recitation of the poem The Race".

Paul then got up and shared some tender feelings about dad and our family.

Jake's kids did some gymnastics and then Tori sang "I Can't Help Falling in Love with You" after which Scott sang "Fall in Love With Your Wife".

Next, Deanna and Kelly's grandkids sang "I Am a Child Of God" with a little help from the audience:)

Brinlee danced while Carson sang "The World We're Gonna Make" from The Greatest Showman.

Lastly, mom and dad talked for a few minutes each sharing their thoughts and feelings.  It was really tender.

The talent show concluded our reunion.  We sure enjoyed being with everyone and both Rick and I appreciated all that came to support us this year!

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