Holy Cow! It has truly been a whole month since I last posted. Our Internet has been down (whacked out router) for nearly the entire month and to be able to even read my e-mails I had to sit in the guest room closet hooked directly to the satellite. Before I remove the August page of my calendar and everything is completely erased from my memory I thought I would recap the month.
Kendra turned 19!!! On July 30th we headed down to St. George for the weekend (this is fast becoming tradition) to spend it with my sister. A highlight was being able to watch Tarzan at th Tuacahn theatre. The choreography was fantastic. These actors were doing amazing things up in the air. Loved the music. Funny thing: As we were leaving the theatre I saw a "monkey" perched up on a tall rock and I told Kendra that I wanted to get a picture of us with him in the background she resisted until I talked her into it. Well, the actor was watching this and so when Kendra came over he jumped off the rock and came behind her and right up to her face. Just as she saw him she screamed and Deanna took the picture. He really was pretty creepy looking. If any of you get down to St. George within the next month I highly recommend this show. Other highlights of our trip was swimming, (of course, 'cause it was so hot) watching Cranford II, and eating out at Samurai 21 (Kenni's fav).
That Sunday we drove to Vegas. Kendra flew out the next morning to Nashville where she spent the rest of the week with her cousins. I got to hang out with my mom and dad. It was great! I visited all of my sisters and just loved being there. The highlight of Vegas though was my new niece being born on August 5th. Scarlett Lucia (pronounced Loo Chee ah) is her name. Lucy is truly a miracle baby. My sister and her husband have wanted another baby for lots of years (Their daughter Gabby is 16) so to have this little one here safe and sound is such a miracle. And can I say she's about the prettiest thing I ever layed eyes on. (Of course I am a biased aunt:-)
While we were gone Rick and Gary (along with a group of guys) went on their annual Alaskan fishing trip. They fished, whale watched and ate to their hearts content. They LOVED it!
Skylar turned 2o on the 10th of this month. He and his companion celebrated by ordering a cake from the bakery. The cake looked wonderful but he said it wasn't that great. sad:(
Gary got his wisdom teeth out. What a trooper! His second surgery within a month. He swelled up like a chipmunk, of course, but is doing great now.
The day after Gary's surgery we loaded the trailer and headed up to the Uintahs for a three day camping trip. It rained cats and dogs the day after we got there. But we had fun in the trailer playing games (Boggle Champ Right Here), watching a movie, and napping. It cleared up in the evening and we had a nice dinner and some s'mores for dessert. Our second day there was perfect weather and we drove up to Mirror Lake where we hiked, played games, and the kids caught fish. TEN IN ALL! They brought them back to camp and cooked them up and ate them. (Whatever flips their lid....I refused to even touch them:) Anyway....Love the Mountains. Oh, and we saw 1 moose. We kept looking for more but........nothin'.
So school started the following Tuesday and now it's back to getting up early for scriptures at 6:30. Nope, I'm not a fan of early rising but what can you do?
Rick and I took an impromtu overnight trip to Phoenix last Tuesday to visit our nephew Robert who was in the hospital getting ready for surgery. We thouroughly enjoyed our visit with him. Such a fun, happy person even in the midst of all he was going through.
One last thing......Our ward choir sang in church this past Sunday. They were AWESOME! We sang "The King of Love My Shepherd Is" and we had 25 people singing. TWENTY-FIVE!! That is a far cry from the 4-5 people coming out for our practices 6 weeks ago. I hope we can keep up the momentum. (in case your wondering what the big deal is......it's because I am the choir director)
OK, I know this is a long post but now August will never be forgotten because it's actually written down. September? Bring it on!
Slow Start
1 week ago