Sunday, July 28, 2024

Mirror Lake Reunion

 Last week we had our annual Phelps family reunion at Bear Lake, in the Uintahs.  It was such a nice time.

Skylar and Sarah and their family along with Brach and Kendra and their family were able to come.  Kaitlyn had doctor appts. for her kids and decided she did not want to see in a tent.  Gary was working (as usual) so he didn't come.  I thought he might come up for an afternoon to do some fi

We had pretty good weather with just one afternoon with showers for couple of hours.  The first night it rained but it was at bedtime and actually kind of fun to listen to the rain and thunder coming down.  It was really coming down hard and the thunder was really loud so I was worried about the kids in their tents.  Most of the kids are afraid of the thunder and lightening but luckily for Skylar and Sarah three of their kids fell right asleep when they got to their tent and slept right through it.  Brach and Kendra on the other hand got a little spooked along with their kids and hopped into their Suburban and stayed in it for a couple of hours.  Otherwise we had good weather throughout our stay.  I posted these pictures in a random order but her are some of the fun things we did....

Scavenger Hunt for the kids--Charles was the winner

Good Food:  Sarah made us sloppy joes with some side salads and a delicious breakfast of biscuits and gravy, sausage and fruit.  Kendra's meals included taco salad for dinner and a yogurt parfait bar with fruit for breakfast.  For our meal we made spaghetti with meat sauce, salad, sourdough bread, and melon.  We made smore's for dessert.

Playing at the Lake: We had lots of fun at the lake.  There was kayaking, fishing on grandpa's boat, fishing from the shore, paddle boarding, walking around the lake as well was as  getting little wet.  

Hiking:  Uncle Skylar took everyone (except me because of my knee) on a hike to Wall Lake.  The boys got out their float tubes and did a little fishing while the kids stripped down to their undies and hopped in the cold water!

Crafts:  I asked Sarah and Kendra to be in charge of the kids crafts this year.  They had fun painting rocks, carving soap, and decorating sticks into wands.  

Music:  Henry gave us a little taste of what he's been learning this summer in his online guitar class.  He is getting pretty good!  Skylar also did a little strumming.  One night we sang rounds around the campfire.  We made some good harmony!

Piñata:  Of course, this was a highlight!  Plenty of candy for everyone!

Movie Night:  It started sprinkling on us the night of our outdoor movie so Skylar and Sarah took their kids to their tent for a movie there.  Brach and Rafe had to leave for a baseball tournament so Kendra and the kids stayed in our trailer.  We watched Angels in the Outfield.  The kids fell asleep pretty quickly.  I dozed a little but woke up for the end;)

Fishing:  We all went fishing...EVEN ME!  Rick took the kids out on the boat while a few of them fished from the shoreline.  Both places were successful!  I got to go in the boat three different times and watched the kids catch their fish.  They had such a grand time.  I have never been into fishing but at one point Rick handed me the pole and I could actually feel the fish hitting.  And then all of a sudden I got one on!  I reeled and reeled only to have it flip off as it got close to the boat.  I didn't even see it!  The next time I tried I got another one reeled in and he flipped off before we could get hime into the boat but I got to see him this time.  Rick says it counts that I actually caught two fish but I think the rules should be once you get a fish INTO the boat THEN you can count it as a catch.  I'll try again when we get up to Mirror Lake again next month....

Needless to say we had a great reunion with lots of playing and being together! 

                                                     We love our family!


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