Saturday, July 6, 2024

4th of July Festivities

We had a fantastic 4th of July this year!  It was a full day but lots of fun.  We started early with the 5k run.  At 7:30 those who wanted to run met out at the pavilion.  I was on kid duty so Skylar, Sarah, and Grandpa could run from our family.  DeeAnn was there along with Dan and Luke and some of the Harrington kids.  At the last minute Henry decided to run along side his dad.  Off they ran, and so I took the kids, including Dan's little Annie back to the house to decorate their bikes.  We brought out some decorations and got the job done.  Not before some of the runners made it back, though.  When we could see some runners coming we hurried back to the pavilion to cheer them on.  Luke was the first one back...Congrats, Luke!  Henry went the whole way with his dad.  It was tough, but he finished!  We are so proud of our Henry!

After the 5k we hurried back to get things ready for the afternoon luncheon. Rick was cooking up some baby back ribs and I was frosting cupcakes and making a broccoli salad.  By 10:15 we were ready to head off to the parade.  We took the rangers filled with kids to our preselected spot over by the First Baptist Church.  Clyde and Sharon were already there, and they helped get our shade up.  The parade is a pretty big deal with LOTS of people.  It is a fun tradition, and it's fun seeing all the kids be so excited about it.

They all got PLENTY of candy!  Here are some pictures...  

Rafe and his dad got to ride on his baseball team's float.
Rafe is on the far right; Brach on the far left.

                        After getting back from the town parade, the kids had their bike parade.

Next was our potluck lunch.
Gary didn't want to join us at the parade, but he came for the lunch and visiting part.
Jenni, Julie, Justin, Kendra, and Gary

For the next couple hours we just relaxed in the shade, visited and played corn hole and the ax throw.
It was a super nice day and not too hot.

We stopped by Grantsville park around 4:30 to donate to Rafe's ball team.  They had a cotton candy booth and a dunk tank.  They are trying to raise money to go to a baseball camp in New York.

At 7:30 we headed over to the Bomans' for their annual bbq and fireworks show.  Some of the Bomans came and some of our family came.  It turned out very nice:)

The fireworks were great, as usual, and we loved watching them.  Quite a large crown had gathered at Brach & Kendra's home for the fireworks, so just as they ended we headed home to miss the traffic.  We ran into some, but we got home fairly quickly.  Tired and happy, we went to bed!

                                                    Happy Birthday, America!

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