Sunday, June 23, 2024

Lawrence and Fern Phelps Family Reunion 2024

On the 15th of June the family met together for the Phelps Reunion at the Pavilion.
The night before the reunion, DeeAnn hosted a get together with all of the siblings to give Brent and Lar a going away party.  They are moving from Idaho to Kentucky.  We had all of the siblings represented with of course, Robbie and Darrell both gone.  Brad and Ruth were both there but are not in the picture.  Brad was not feeling well and they left the party early.

The reunion was the very next day and we had 147 out of 338 members of the family show up.
There was a wonderful HUGE bbq with hamburgers, hot dogs, and chicken plus all kinds of pot luck salads and desserts!
Afterwards we all sat around and visited and enjoyed the beautiful day.
The kids loved playing Nine Square and played literally until the 
VERY last of the take down.  In my estimation it was a successful reunion!
Here are some pictures....


                                                At Christmas.......we'll meet again!

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