Sunday, June 23, 2024

Downata Hot Springs with Grandpa and Grandma

On Wednesday, the 12th of June we packed up our trailer and the five oldest grandkids and went on an overnighter up to Downata Hot Springs.  We had been looking forward to this special day for a couple of months since we got it on the calendar.  We left about 11AM and got on the road.  I drove the car separately because we could not all fit safely in the truck.  I had Scout and Haivyn with me and Rick had the boys.  The girls colored and chatted all the way there.

We took a pit stop in Bountiful not long after leaving to get some lunch.  We had some gift cards through Superior for Chuck a Rama and knew the kids would have a fun time there.  Haivyn had not been there before so Scout was happy to show her how a buffet works!  We all loaded up and had a fun lunch.  One thing funny that happened was Rafe and Scout were talking about their favorite cars.  Rafe's was a Camaro and Scout liked another sports car.  Rafe asked Henry what his favorite car was and he said, "A minivan."  I laughed out loud and thought that was so cute and funny!  

We got to Downata after an hour and a half and got the RV set up.  Something went wrong and as Rick was setting up it was on too much of a slant and it fell forward and broke the jack.  It was kind of scary and left us in a conundrum for a bit but Rick figured out what to do to get it set up on three jacks instead of four.  Afterwards we all got our suits on and headed over to the hot springs.  We set up in the picnic area and the kids all went out to the slides and pool.  We stayed and swam and had a fun time for a couple of hours.  Here are some pictures of the swimming and slides...

 After we finished with the hot springs we came back to the trailer for a taco dinner. The kids played Skyjo while I got it all set up.  That night after dinner the group went over to the snack shack for an ice cream treat and then came back to settle down for a movie.  We all had a nice nights sleep except for Haivyn who had some type of peeing accident and Henry came into our bed because his nose was stuffy and he couldn't breathe.  I think he was a little homesick, too.

  We left the campground by 8am to get Rafe and Scout back home for a baseball tournament.  All in all we had a nice time with the kids!

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