Thursday, August 29, 2024

Mirror Lake (again:)

Last week we took another camping trip to Mirror Lake.
This time it was with a few of the Phelps siblings.  There was Rick and Me, Darla and Larry, Karen and Dennis, and then Trent and Kathy came up a day later.

We left on Wednesday, August 21st.  I had awakened that morning with some vertigo.  I did not know where it came from, but in the morning I could not lay on my right side.  I was able to work through it that morning and got everything packed up....well my portion anyway.  Rick got all of the heavy stuff loaded into the truck while I took care of inside of the trailer stuff, ie.. food, clothes, games and linens.  

Skylar stopped by and hooked up to our little boat and met us up at the campsite later that day.  He wanted to do a little hiking and fishing at Kamas Lake, so it worked out well with him pulling the boat up.
We left about an hour later than we wanted to but made it in plenty of time to set up and get ready for dinner.  Darla and Larry arrived about an hour and a half after we did.

Dennis and Karen arrived at about 7:00, and we were able to have a yummy dinner of Navajo Tacos.  Rick and I hosted at our camp that evening.  I thought it was funny that Dennis wasn't sure what to do with his scone.  He said he had never had Navajo Tacos before!  Imagine that!  Anyway, I showed him what to do, and then I think others maybe just had the chili with the scone on the side.  I made mine into a yummy salad!  
Luckily, Darla had brought some delicious honey butter.  So that worked well:)
We had watermelon to accompany our meal.  

We noticed right off that it got chilly pretty quickly!
Even though it was the middle of August we got some REALLY chilly temperatures throughout our stay those three days.  We had plenty of sunshine but there seemed to always be a chilly breeze blowing.  
I couldn't believe how cold I felt pretty much the whole time!

Here are a couple of candid shots....

Me and my sweetie

Karen putting on her shoes.

Larry reading an iBook.

The first night after our Navajo Taco dinner we enjoyed sitting around Larry's propane fire pit.
Honestly, it was no where near keeping me warm enough, but I didn't want to be the party pooper and not stay.  We enjoyed the evening talking about ways to "invite" people to the gospel. Dennis was preparing a talk for Sunday and wanted some ideas of experiences we have had.  It was fun to think about and hear the good experiences that we have all had with inviting people to Jesus.

That night I could feel a bit of the vertigo coming back.  The next morning I woke up early, before it got light and was so dizzy and nauseous.  By the time the sun came up I was feeling better.
Rick had to go to Kamas to make some phone calls, and I went with him.  While there I decided to look for a chiropractor to see if he could help with my dizziness.  (Karen suggested that's how she was made better with her vertigo)  The chiropractor couldn't fit me in but told me to look up BPPV. (Benign Paroxysmal Positional Pertigo)  I did and saw exactly what to do to fix it. 

 After we got finished we headed back to the campground.  I told Rick I wanted to try it.  He helped me, but the first time I got a little sick as the procedure was finishing.  Remember,  the whole world was spinning during it.  As I sat up I could still feel things spinning and felt very disappointed that it didn't work.  I decided to try it one more time.  After the first ten seconds I lost my whole lunch!  It was awful and I still wasn't better, or so I thought.  Rick had Larry come over to help him give me a Priesthood blessing.  
I then rested and fell asleep while Rick went fishing.  When I woke up I felt a lot better and felt like I was mostly healed.  There were (and still are) a few times where I feel a little off balance but only for a few seconds so I call that good!

On to the camping....

We were so thankful that Skylar pulled the boat up for us.  We had such a fun time on the water with Trent and Kathy.  Boy, they sure are die-hards when it comes to fishing!  The cold didn't seem to bother them too much.  But honestly, it was super fun to be out on the water with them.  I even caught a fish.  This time I got it clear into the boat.  Last time the two that got hooked got off the hook before I could get them into the boat.  So I think it's official now.  I AM a fisherman (woman) HAHA!  (Of course I did not want to touch that slimy thing at all....that was Rick's job!  Plus driving the boat, unknotting the line, baiting the hook, casting it out ....I was just there for the holding the pole part. 
 So come to think of it, maybe I am NOT a fisherwoman.😏

Both Kathy and Trent caught quite a few.
We were mostly catching and releasing but Trent did take six fish out and cleaned them, then Darla cooked them up to accompany dinner.  Rick said he really liked the fish! I had a bite....not so much for me.
I mean, if I had no other food to eat then I don't think I'd have a problem eating it.

Rick and Dennis getting ready for dinner.

Darla and Larry prepared stew and cornbread for us one of the nights.  
It was super tasty and we enjoyed sitting around the table chatting about the day.

couple photos...

After dinner this night we sat around the camp fire (a real campfire - with smoke and all - this time:)
and looked at the constellations and talked.  I wish I had brought all of my fun information to share with everyone about the night sky, but I didn't, and so we just had a good time looking and talking.

The next day was more of the same...eating, fishing, playing games, talking and eating some more!  Trent and Kathy provided dinner that night.  She prepared Cafe Rio tacos and the food was superb!  Even though it was cold outside!  That evening we got to watch The Three Amigos in Darla and Larry's trailer.  I would have preferred playing games and interacting but the movie had already started so.....

The last morning we joined together for one last breakfast at Larry and Darla's camp.  I don't think I mentioned that we ate breakfast the day before at their camp, but this last morning Karen prepared pancakes while I cooked up some ham and eggs, and we ate up our leftover fruit.  It was a good spread.
We enjoyed a little bit more time at the lake before we all packed up and headed home.

We made some good memories and very much enjoyed the company in such a beautiful location!


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