Tuesday, August 27, 2024


The kids started school on August 13th just after our Cherry Hill day.
Rafe is in the 6th grade.  His last year in elementary school.
His hair is still blondish from his summer baseball days....cutie!

Scout started 4th grade and is just cute as a button!

Brady started 1st grade and is in full day school this year!
He's adorable!

Chloe started kindergarten and is in school for the FULL DAY!  
She has had a hard time with that but is finally getting used to the long hours away form home and Mom.
She's still so little.  I wish she could just go a half day instead....but that's not Grandma's call!
She is such a pretty little thing!

Henry started 4th grade this year and loves school!

Isn't his little curl on top so fun!   I think the girls must really like him because he's such a doll! 

Charles is in 2nd grade this year and is also loving school!
I think he must be the life of the party because he's that way at home!  He's so fun!
How about that signature Charlie mohawk?!

Daisy girl started kindergarten and is doing very well with the full day schedule!
She likes her teacher and I am sure she is making lots of friends because she's such a friendly little thing!
Isn't she lovely?

Eric is still too young for school, but he has been enjoying time with his mama at home and is excited when the kids come home from school....especially his buddy, Daisy!

Haven and Merik recently moved to Tooele, so they are starting a new year at Northlake Elementary.
Haivyn is in the 5th grade, and Merik in 1st.
Haivyn got her haircut for the occasion and is really cute with shorter hair.
Merik got some brand new clothes (as all the kids did) and was sporting his long hair for his first day.  He got it cut shortly after school started.
They are both getting used to their new school and making new friends in their classes.
Sweet kids!

Another school year begins and I can't believe how much my grandkids are growing!
Honestly, I feel like time is flying by!


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