Tuesday, May 28, 2024

April and May Birthdays

We've had four birthdays in the last month!
On the 22nd Gary turned THIRTY ONE!
That seems completely crazy that he is that old but here it is.

We celebrated with a delicious dinner at Sakura.
Gary wanted it to be just Rick and me and his girlfiend, Alexis.
We had a nice time visiting and eating!

The following Sunday we had a family dinner.  Kendra made a wonderful Tres Leches cake at the request of BOTH of them.  That made it easy that they wanted the same kind.

The next day Kaitlyn and I had a mother-daughter date.
We got to go to the Cameo College of beauty for some relaxing services.
I had a facial and back treatment.

Kaitlyn had a facial and then had to postpone her laser hair removal for an approval from her doctor.
She was disappointed at that, but she did make it a few days later for her treatment.

Afterwards, I took her to lunch for some of her favorite food....crab!
We went to Red Lobster and she feasted out.  I can't remember what I had but I'm sure it was good:)

Just a week later our Haivyn girl turned TEN!  The first of the ten year old birthdays this year went well.
We had the cousins over for playing outside, opening presents and dessert.  Haivyn requested pie this year instead of cake and ice cream so that's what she got!

Here's a picture of all the cousins! (except Zavi)

Two days later we went to Ogden for a birthday celebration for Xavier.
He turned SIX and had a fun party planned by his mom.
We were lucky to have Daisy, Brady, and Chloe with us for the occasion.

Tarra planned for some fun bounce house toys and a treasure hunt in the sand box.
Each of the kids got to choose a fun dragon mask and take home some swag in cute backpacks.

                                                                Zavi being goofy!

Cupcakes were served by John and Jacee.  There were lots of John and Tara's family and friends that came to support Xavier.  He's growing up and doing well.  His adoptive family really loves him.

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