Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Grandkids Halloween Party Part II

The night after the littles' party we had the older kids over for their party.
We had a lot of fun things planned for the night, but it seems like we didn't have enough time for everything.  We started out with dinner.  Kendra helped to make a spider breadstick dish filled with marinara sauce.  She also helped to make ghost skewers with cheese, olives, and marshmallows.
I made some homemade meatballs and we also prepared some veggie sides.
It was all very yummy.  The meatballs got all eaten up!
Grandpa made his signature root beer and it was goooood!

We sat around the table telling funny jokes and laughed a lot!

Next we went outside, and the kids had fun running around.  Grandpa pulled out his lighted rockets and we all took turns shooting them up in the air and catching them. We were waiting for the sun to go down so we could spend time at the fire pit and begin our night pumpkin hunt.

Here they are posing in the yard!

As the sun went down the girls decided to climb the tree for a picture!

We made s'mores and grandpa told a scary story around the fire.  
The girls (mainly Scout) got a little scared until he got to the end and we laughed at the funny ending!

After it got completely dark we sent the kids out with flashlights for a pumpkin hunt.  Grandpa (and Eric) had hidden little pumpkins all around the yard.  They each could find two.  Henry was the lagger and took the longest, but after he found his we all went inside to get the prize bags.  

After that it was shower/baths and new jammies time!
Rafe  has grown out of the pajama stage and just likes sweats so I bought him a t shirt that says "all the ghouls love me".  He liked it!

They all look so cute and wanted to do a silly picture! 

Sure do love these monkeys!

Afterwards we went downstairs where grandpa had already started the movie,
The Ghost and Mr. Chicken.  Henry and Haivyn pulled out the game Clue and also played that during the night.  I was hoping that we could all play, but by that time I was tired and sat in the massage chair to watch the movie and promptly fell asleep.  I woke up and the movie had ended, but grandpa had started the Harry Potter movie (at Scout's insistent request).  

 Charles and Scout had fallen asleep, but the others were wide awake at 11:30.  We finally got everyone settled for the night and gratefully got into our beds.  By the time I woke up the next morning Grandpa had gotten most the kids out the door for Saturday sports games.  

It was a fun night with our cute monsters!  We love this tradition!  Until next year....

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