Sunday, July 9, 2017


Monday morning came and we flew to Seattle then to Juneau and then to Gustavus without a hitch!  A much easier time than Saturday.

Here's a shot of Gustavus as we were flying in.  There had been lots of rain.

This is the Country Inn Lodge where we stayed for the week.  It is a really cute place with surrounding cabins and a big rec room and a movie theater room.  I really loved all of the hanging plants.  they were full and beautiful!

 Rick and Sunnie telling fish stories around the fire pit:)

Tuesday was Independence Day so while the boys went off fishing for the day we got to go into town and see the parade.  It was definitely a hometown parade!  It was a very rainy day so everyone was in their rain gear and rubber boots.  If you live in Gustavus, AK rain boots are a must!

The funniest float was a bunch of girl dressed as Vegas showgirls.  Their sign said "Viva Gustavus"!  As the girls walked by they handed out candy cigarettes and press on tattoos.  Really crazy!!

                        I loved this photo op!

Also, these usable retro gas pumps.

My new Gustavus friend.

On Wednesday the Titmus family had two boats going out to Elfin Cove.  I tagged along.  It was a two hour boat ride.  On the way to Elfin Cove we stopped by Sea Lion Rock.  The sea lions were not lounging on the rock as expected put swimming in the waters looking for lunch.  there were LOTS of them. 

Elfin Cove is a beautiful community just on the outskirts of the open ocean.  It's far enough in that the waters are still calm.

              My big purchase of the trip was an Elfin Cove beanie!

A black bear in the distance.

When Rick got back from fishing that evening we took the bikes into town.  I had been WAITING to ride the bikes with someone.  I almost went on my own but chickened out when I got to the edge of the forest.  I was frightened of the bears.  Thankfully I got more courage with Rick riding with me.  We had a nice time seeing the sights of Gustavus!

At the 4th of July festivities on Tuesday they had a slow bike race.  We decided to try it.  The rules are to go as slow as you can without falling over or touching the ground.  It's not so easy:)

On Thursday I joined the Titmuses again and got on a big boat going out into Glacier Bay National Park.  We were with about 100 other people.  We left out of Bartlett Cove and were gone the whole day.  We got to see four grizzly bears, mountain goats, eagles, sea lions, puffins, and whales.  We saw a number of glaciers but this one was the biggest.  It is called Marjorie Glacier and was massive!  There were lots of icebergs in the water and it was pretty cool sight to see.

Me with part of the Titmus family.

While we were seeing the Park the guys had a good day fishing!

We had pretty good meals served up each night at the Country Inn Lodge.  Some of the items we were served up were......tri tip, smoked chicken, shrimp, crab, ribs......all kinds of yummy food!

Friday was our last day at the lodge.  The guys got a good half day of fishing in and brought in A LOT of fish that day.  Shalane and I took a bike ride over to the plane wreck.  Back in 1959 a National Guard plane went down with eleven people on board.  Seven were saved with the help of the good citizens of Gustavus.  The plane wreckage is still there.  Shalane got it right when she said, "It feels kind of eery."  The forest was very quiet (besides us talking) and it was sad to think of what occurred that night.

The guys on their last day out.  It was a successful day!

While I did not get a picture of our group (except at the dinner table) this is the whole Titmus group.  I'm really glad they let me tag along with them throughout the week!

1 comment:

  1. Oh MY!! What a nice, nice CATCH they got on their last day out!! What a fantastic Fish Fry (or two) those lovely big Halibut are going to make!! :)
    This was a fun write-up. Glad you got to go on that trip! Love, Karen
