Saturday we had an Easter egg hunt out at the pavilion for the children in our neighborhood. We had great success with about 25-30 children from around here including our grandkids. We had plenty of eggs to hide (thanks to Trent and Rick for doing the hiding) and then had a hot dog roast with potluck salads afterwards. It was a little chilly outside but thankfully we were spared any rain or snow. I got a picture of each of the kids except for Haivyn. She was having too much fun on the playground and I couldn't get her to stay still:(
Later on that afternoon we had our family Easter dinner. Here is my ham. I found a recipe from Pioneer Woman that had a root beer glaze. It sounded interesting so I tried it. It wasn't bad but I don't think I will be doing that one again. We also had twice baked potatoes, asparagus, rolls, and raspberry jello salad.
While the girls headed off to the General Women's Conference the boys cleaned up the dishes. The conference was nice and I got to visit with Ruth afterwards for about 20 minutes. That was great! Her and Brad are leaving tomorrow for their 6 weeks in Denmark:)
After the conference the young adults from our neighborhood got together for our Night Easter Egg Hunt. This here is a GREAT group of kids!! B&K were here too. They just weren't in the picture:(
Good Times!!